Honourable chief guest Mr. Snawar Gill general secretary DBE schools, Respected Principal Sr. Akhtar Buta, Reverend Father, Sisters, distinguished guests, parents, teachers and my fellow students good morning. It is my great pleasure to welcome you all on this unique occasion when we celebrate the success of the outgoing class X for the academic year 2022-2022. We are privileged to have with us Mr. Snawar Gill who is serving as the General Secretary in Diocesan Board of Education for Rawalpindi and Islamabad. He is an educationist who has worked as a vice principal in La Salle High School and college Faisalabad. As well as he has been a visiting lecturer in GC University and La Salle College Faisalabad. Sir we are honored to have you with us this pleasant morning.

Honourable chief guest, Mr. Snawer Gill Rev. Father, Sisters, distinguished guests, coordinators, teachers, Parents and my dear students. A very good morning to one and all. As the Principal of St. Anne’s Presentations Convent School, on behalf of this institution, I am privileged to have the opportunity to address all of you today-Parents, teachers and our cherished students. This address is intended to recognize the accomplishments of this institution during the past several years. I am grateful for the contributions of all those who helped our school community continually progress, as an outstanding place of learning for all of us, students and staff. Read More….

Honorable chief guest Mr. Snawar Gill, respected Father, Sisters, Parents, Teachers and my dear students. Good Morning. On behalf of the principal, the faculty, and the enrolled pupils of this respected institution, I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to you for attending today’s event. Your applause and the encouraging words of our distinguished chief guest, who is an educator and knows the significance of education, have lifted our spirits. Read More….